Fuck You Olivia Rodrigo and Lily Allen at Glastonbury

Olivia Rodrigo – Fuck You Supreme Court

I had heard about this but not watched it, it was everything I needed and more. Olivia Rodrigo was playing her first Glastonbury last weekend, and invited Lily Allen on stage to say ‘Fuck You’ to the 5 Supreme Court Justices that think women’s lives and right to choose are not important by overturning Roe v. Wade.

New respect for Olivia Rodrigo in her intro as well; not many pop stars would put themselves out there like that. And always nice to see LIly – she said it was also her first Glasto too – not sure I believe that, as Keith her father used to be (and probably still is) a regular and take his tribe everywhere he went….but it could be the first she’s played.

video via oki


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