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Make Chuggers* History

This whole Live8 thing has left me cold; Damon Albarn was right, it’s ‘too darn Anglo Saxon’ and simplistic; anybody above the age of 5 knows that Africa is a big complex place and world-wide pop concerts won’t solve it. Poverty is even larger…

But like Princess Di this seems to be the uncriticisable, the unmentionable, you seem churlish for mentioning it…so if you want a better response than I can give see the banner to the right of this message, and click for a much better worded blog about this from a local, an african.

But don’t you think it’s particularly ironic and a double-bluff that the very thing used to dumb people down (and salve their aching consciences) – the mainstream arena rock concert and media – is supposedly being used to ‘save the world’ and make people conscious and radicalised – who’s kidding who?

I love what I’ve seen of Africa and would like to see more – peacefully. But bolting on ‘activism lite’ to the old tired Live Aid formula isn’t going to Feed the World, but feed the egos of the pop stars like Bono – in fact the design here is ripped from an excellent t-shirt which I must get that says ‘MAKE BONO HISTORY’ which says it all really…

No Paul you don’t do it from the ‘inside’ by fratenising with popes, bushes and criminals (not exclusive categories I hasten to add) – you just look a prick. Ditto Geldof (or Gandalf; as Joss Stone put it – most people under the age of 30 are like, ‘who’?)

I think it’s more about supporting long faded careers than real change. Which is sad because I supported Drop the Debt and the Jubilee campaigh (last time Bono was on the money)and want to see that debt cancelled; but also understand the difference between fair and free trade, corrupt government and corrupt corporates, war and famine it’s not as simple as sending in a load of aid…it has to be tied to food, equipment, expertise, but not just sending money – and not tied to religion (I won’t support Catholic or Xtian charities; apart from Oxfam and Red Cross who are pretty agnostic now, because a lot of the help is tied into ‘converting’ the locals, which seems horrific to me, and very unchristian.).

Rather than this victim mindset I’d rather we operated a more fairer trade system and helped them with the AIDS crisis with releasing more of the anti-retroviral patents like in South Africa (and put pressure onto Mbeki to actually USE them) and allowing cheaper drugs to be created and cloned; and providing health care and prevention advice.

Because with the AIDS crisis as it is in Africa (upto a THIRD of the population in South Africa is HIV+ can you even imagine that?) it won’t matter if the debt is dropped, there actually won’t be anyone left of working age to repay it; and even the arrogant western money lenders at World Bank are starting to realise that fact.


P.S.* Chugger: Charity Mugger – those people with clipboards who are hired by charities to ‘mug’ you for money…love that term.


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