Radio Clash The End animated gif - Tim and Kirk holding a sign saying happy Birthday Radio Clash then Goodbye That's All Folks - eclectic mashup mix music podcast

Ten Long Years – The end of Radio Clash Podcast

“Ten years…you reap just what you sow…
Another one bites the dust!”

Yes Radio Clash (the podcast) is 10 years old today!

But sadly it’s also the end of Radio Clash as a podcast, the one I recorded last week (#271) was the last. So yes it’s more like a wake than a party…but I think it’s time, I’ve done everything I wanted to do with the podcast. I hate ‘podfading’, where podcasts just fizzle out, so I decided a long time ago that when the podcast reached 10 that would be it. (To be honest even this post seems self-indulgent, as did the last podcast – does anyone really care? I do feel the need to announce this though, to make it a public break, for me.)

I’m really proud of what I’ve done with Radio Clash – not sure many will mourn it but it’s was one of, if not the longest running British music podcasts. I was kind of last man standing for a long time there, and that again that made it hard to stop, over the last 5 years I’ve regularly fallen in and out of love of podcasting…but recently I didn’t feel it anymore. The downloads have been going down steadily, and my heart hasn’t been in it for a long time. #178 – the last Tim and Kirk show contains many coded references to stopping, since I was planning to do this five years ago! And the Pop is Dead shows were planned as a last hurrah – as they have been, but it was two years ago that series started. So this isn’t a sudden decision.

When I’ve said this to a few people they ask: what next? I have completely no idea. That’s kind of the point, I feel I can’t really move on while still doing these. Surprised I kept on for ten years, actually…I think I wanted to show people I could stick to something for a long time, that podcasting wasn’t a passing fad. I’ve made my point.

And despite my couching on the podcast, pretty sure that will be it for Radio Clash in the long run. I might podcast in other forms, after a long gap (a holiday after continuously podcasting for ten years sounds WONDERFUL) but not as Radio Clash, and very likely not in that format. Never been that comfortable on the mic, to be honest. I hate saying ‘never…’ but I’m fairly sure on this. So don’t unsubscribe just yet…

The blog will continue (as will my other blogs) and maybe I might do more Digital Debris in future…that’s something I haven’t really developed. Not sure what the future of Radio Clash Live is tbh.


9 responses to “Ten Long Years – The end of Radio Clash Podcast”

  1. Dylan avatar

    I never thought it was a bad thing, that things end. But it is a little bit sad to hear it. I’ve learned of so many artists and entire worlds of music that I wouldn’t know about without your podcasts.

    But I think I have the tools now to search out these things myself, and maybe to spread this onto other people. That’s what it’s all about, though, to put people onto awesome things!

    So thank you for doing this as long as you have, Tim. You and your love of the stranger music were inspirational to me – a twenty-something from Oklahoma surrounded by a lot of bad music.


  2. David McLary avatar
    David McLary

    I have been listening to RC since I think around pod 21, way back in the day. I’ve loaded the the Radio Clash rss into any number of bad pod catchers, and though I have never written you directly, I sincerely appreciate all that you put it into. I have enjoyed all of them, even when they had the creepy fetus voice, and I think I have even kept digital copies. You’ve turned me on to lots of great stuff – spoken word pieces, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, and countless mashups, just to name a few.

    Getting a new Radio Clash episode was just like tuning in my favorite radio shows. I had no idea what to expect, but it was also fun. So a heartfelt thank you from me. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope to hear more someday. Be sure to post when you do!


  3. Faxe avatar

    Sad news.

    Tim, thank you very much for this incredible show. It woke my interest in mash-ups and in podcasts. I really will miss it very much and I hope to hear more someday.

    Thank you very much!


  4. Sean Stevens avatar

    Tim – Don’t think I’ve ever contacted you directly before. I listened from episode 20 or so until perhaps 150, then changed jobs and fell out of the habit of listening to (non totally straight beats) podcasts. I’ve just been reconnecting with Radio Clash and introducing new friends to it. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I feel like I got to know you and appreciate you as a person through your podcast. Thank you for sharing your passion and if you are ever visiting SF again, ping me. I hope you keep creating and sharing your passions with people!

  5. Swik avatar

    I only started listening this year (RC 256) but I’m grateful for the work you have done. I’ve enjoyed plenty of great music and discovered several artists from just these few episodes.

    Thank you for doing Radioclash and good luck on your next project.

  6. Benjamin Young avatar
    Benjamin Young

    I will mourn! But at least I’ll have a 10-year catalog of podcasts to play while I do. Thanks for opening our ears and minds again and again, and best wishes.

    -Ben (aka Vespid)

  7. Amanda avatar

    I want to be sad, but really I’m just glad I got to spend the last 10 years listening.
    You’re awesome, Tim. Thank you for sharing so much of your time with us, and best wishes.


  8. DJHDD avatar

    Longest podcaster I know…10 years is a huge feat…thank you for all these years Tim, all the best.

  9. sasha avatar

    Thanks for the 10 years of work! I’ve been listening to your podcast off and on for years, and I’m sad to see it go, but I understand how you’ll be happier without it looming over you.

    Anyway, I’ve discovered a bunch of great music through your show, so thanks!

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