Tag: K-Tel

  • K-Tel presents Pure Crap Collection

    K-Tel presents Pure Crap Collection

    I bought this album once – surprised ‘Invisible Tits’ by Peppermint Churchfire isn’t on it though., memories via LiarTown (NSFW, some porn-related images, although I did LOL at the Homonculus, the Porn magazine for Gay Satanists). And this one is doing the round from LiarTown – interesting how quite a few parents get all huffy…

  • K-Tel Mood Shirts!

    K-Tel Mood Shirts!

    Who knew that the 70’s version of Global Hypercolor shirts existed? And that ‘black = tense’?…the harassed family man while watching scantily clad bikini girls in Aviator shades that comes off more Death of a Salesman or Lolita, or more accurately “I’m gonna kill you and bury you in the basement, little piggy”. Or is…

  • The death of Dubstep?

    The death of Dubstep?

    In every genre there usually comes the ‘breakout moment’ into mass consciousness – as it goes overground away from the dedicated fans and into the wider world. In dance music this usually spells the death of that genre, not (just) in some hipster ‘I heard it first’ sense but usually because that means the evolution…

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