Tag: Homosexuality

  • Pounded by the Biker Rainbow

    Pounded by the Biker Rainbow

    From Kindle Cover Disasters, this ‘Firsy Time Gay Paranormal M/M Taboo’ porn raises SO many questions, at the very least how does a rainbow ride a bike or hold the handlebars, let alone wear shades or do other things…Douglas Adams had hyperintelligent shades of the colour blue as an alien lifeform, so maybe rainbows? Err…

  • Penda’s Fen and Owl Service

    Penda’s Fen and Owl Service

    On 21 March 1974 Penda’s Fen was Play for Today on the BBC, this strange tale of teenage homosexuality, Elgar and the Dream of Gerontius, the Midlands, ecology, the old and new gods, Britain and the last pagan king, Penda (oddly the image above does NOT appear in the film, only in shadow, although the…

  • Shit straight guys say

    Shit straight guys say

    Sadly very true and very funny role reversal here… The classic I get quite a lot is ‘My (Relative/Teacher/Friend) was gay and he was such a nice guy’…umm *tumbleweed from me*, if you were really ‘down with it’ then you’d not say that, it has nothing to do with me, we are not all alike!…

  • UKIP if you like…

    UKIP if you like…

    Oh it’s the gift that keeps giving, ridiculing UKIP. They started a #WhyIVotedUKIP hashtag on Twitter, and you can guess what happened next. These are some of my faves – the polls are closed (I voted Green for EU and Green/Labour btw) and it still rolls on. LULZ! #WhyImVotingUkip Because I'm worried black people will…

  • Doug Stanhope on not caring

    Doug Stanhope on not caring

    I’ve seen this closer before – I think live when he was on that tour – but the bit about ‘I used to have some tyoe of social relevance in my act. There was a point where I really gave a shit about stuff, to a point where it was ruining my life.‘ still resonates…

  • Faux outrage in the age of celebrity

    Faux outrage in the age of celebrity

    As Jack Gleeson points out in this video from his talk at Oxford Union, it’s slightly ironic to post a video critiquing celebrity by someone who was asked to talk because of same – but as others have pointed out the popular Game of Thrones actor has decided to step away from the limelight and…

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