Pounded by the Biker Rainbow cover

Pounded by the Biker Rainbow

From Kindle Cover Disasters, this ‘Firsy Time Gay Paranormal M/M Taboo’ porn raises SO many questions, at the very least how does a rainbow ride a bike or hold the handlebars, let alone wear shades or do other things…Douglas Adams had hyperintelligent shades of the colour blue as an alien lifeform, so maybe rainbows? Err still not getting it, I’ll stick to the Zeusian Golden Shower thankyouverymuch.

BTW this is a real book, if you didn’t guess by it being too bizarre even for the most avant parody…

At least the author’s nom-de-plume fits the usual porn cliche: – Max Wood. Fnar. I’m guessing that the author of ‘Probed Hard on The Planet of Gay Space Raptors’ and ‘Cheesy Puff Came to Life And Pimped My Gay Ass!’ might not be entirely serious especially since his avowed interests are laudably: “In my free time I enjoy quilting profanity into existing pieces of fabric as well as collecting Wizard of Oz memorabilia.” Okay then.

And the rest of the ‘I Haz Photoshops so I iz a Designer!’ trainwrecks on the blog are well worth checking out…something about eBooks brings out the cheesy shadow and layer effects, poor typography and even worse stock photos…and scarily with intentions of being good, unlike this hot mess.


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