Month: September 2015

  • RIP Rico

    RIP Rico

    Sad to hear about the death of Rico Rodriguez at a grand old age of 80. This statesman of ska and trombonist had a long career coming from Cuba to Jamaica, been taught by Don Drummond, working with producers Coxsone Dodd, Duke Reid and Vincent Chin and then leaving for the UK and working with…

  • Hell’s Club

    Hell’s Club

    Video mashups quite often try to be clever, and usually the Keep It Simple Stupid rule is violated, and they fail. But this film mashup by AMDSFilms has some really nice compositing, as well as the classic simple intercut to suggest a club where even time is warped. Very nice. (via Eric Kleptone)

  • Some mashups

    Some mashups

    Me? Posting mashups? With my lack of interest? 😛 Well admittedly me and mashups have a chequered past recently, but it’s nice now I’m mostly away from that scene to very occasionally dive in and check out the best ones, rather than be bombarded with them day to day (and the egos! Oh the egos!)…

  • How To Age Gracefully

    How To Age Gracefully

    Wisdom throughout the ages…also a goodbye to CBC’s Wiretap.

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