Month: September 2013

  • Occupy posters

    Occupy posters

    One of the things that attracted my attention to Occupy Wall Street several years ago was the photos and graphics, and glad people are still keeping that spirit going with Occupy* Posters. It was a diverse spread of opinions – not even a conveniently unified message in a conventional political sense, that’s what made it…

  • Those in Advertising…kill yourself

    Those in Advertising…kill yourself

    If you wanted a set of comic strips – or just one above – that accurately described my career working as a freelance designer (who isn’t? Everybody used to want to be a DJ, now everyone’s unemployed so they’re suddenly retitled themselves as ‘freelance designers’) – well this is it, The Awesome World of Advertising.…

  • Hayao Miyazaki retires

    Hayao Miyazaki retires

    The man who has guided most of my waking dreams in the last 10 or so years is sadly retiring. Thank you Hayao Miyazaki, I owe you so much…a whole world of wonder, Ponyo which expressed childlike wonder of small toddlers like no other film, Totoro and Spirited Away which took you into the spirit…

  • Dear Straight People

    Dear Straight People

    As we used to say OTM but I guess the modern phrase is so many feels. This video from Denice Frohman from Women of the World Poetry Slam sums it up, homophobia is still there till the day I can kiss John and not think about who is around. I don’t think straight people realise…

  • Bovine


    Sometimes something indescribable this way comes, and you don’t even try. That’s Bovine. Apparently they are Scottish andthey are a band. (via Thriftshop XL)

  • Another Blurred Lines parody

    Another Blurred Lines parody

    But this is a good one – Defined Lines, indeed. A feminist response to the horror that is the original Robin Thicke video. Interesting all the mansplaining and whining about objectification of men in this video. You know what that sound is? It’s the POINT missing you by several miles. Strange how the original has…

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