Podcasting And Money

BBC Podcasting article…

You might have seen this elsewhere but just stumbled onto this at the BBC website:

For once in my life I actually agree with Dave Winer =:-0.

I also don’t think people will make money off podcasting, although many will try. Strangely although I’ve been sceptical about Dave Winer in the past I’m moving towards his idea of podcasting (audio blogging) rather than Adam Curry’s (sponsored shows that replicate radio and both equally turn a profit and need to; because replicating radio is costly) because I’m starting to get tired of all the talk of money and commercialisation in shows like the Daily Source Code.

And touting for money or votes is getting a bit, well, sad. I never do that now on Radio Clash, not my style.

And where IS Phil Terrone when you need him? I downloaded an old Engadget podcast (yes I know it’s bugs bunny, err Eric Rice doing it now) and he was ranting on about money and podcasting and the future, and I wished he was podcasting still. Gah.

And is it me or is anyone else spooked by the fact that Warner Bros, that friendly IPR loving corporation that lawyers love to bill, is sponsoring Eric ‘freezer bag’ Rice? And equally scary is Adam’s Osborne-a-like haircut and glasses i that article 😛

Hmm. Time will tell…in the meantime I’ve got this great Click-4-A-Blowjob pyramid scheme you just have to try….


2 responses to “BBC Podcasting article…”

  1. Eric Rice avatar

    Heh, “Freezer Bag” is a new one on me, doc. 😉 Aside from that, I’m a little perplexed about the commercial vs. non-commercial debate–of which I’m pretty much neutral… if you want to make money, go for it. If not, no biggie. The part that I’m rather stoked about is getting the music from a *label*… This whole project might lead to something bigger as it pertains to music… And some unsigned bands might be quite happy playing in this crazy-ass space that the big boys are watching. Someone has to step up and try and to work things out for *tomorrow* and I’m more than willing to step into those crosshairs. It might work, it might not. If not, no harm, no foul.

    Just my .02 worth.

  2. tim avatar

    eek! In blog everyone can hear you scream 😉

    fair enough….the freezer bag reference (for those that don’t know) was from the sponsorship you had from those ziploc freezer bags (might have been an old show, but I found it funny….). Podcast sponsored by freezer bags? LOL…

    I and my friends have had enough run-ins with record companies that I’d be very wary of getting involved with them. I’m all for the experimentation with new models and new stuff but I’ve found that the record labels have been shafting enough people for the last 50 years so they are quite good at it…that’s why I’m wary.

    Don’t get me wrong, it is good news that they are interested enough to let you play their music (I assume what they want you to play rather than anything in their catalogue?) and respect podcasting as another channel to do that; but the danger of getting validation as a medium through commerce or voting is that it takes over the medium.

    Yep I’m all for the revolution, brother….;-)

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