Tag: Streaming music services

  • How much does music really earn?

    How much does music really earn?

    Answer: Depends on where you buy it from BUT that’s not the question you should be asking… The infographic from Information is Beautiful to the left has been doing the rounds recently, and causing some debate (there’s also  been mucho discussion previously over at GYBO about digital distribution models vs streaming and physical CDs which…

  • Spotify DJ

    Spotify DJ

    Unusually for a new(ish) shiny Web 2.0 music application, Spotify is only currently freely available in the UK – but you can get it outside of the UK with an invite (more in a sec)…but it’s basically a legal iTunes-type application you can listen to music for free (with ads)…and it has millions of tracks.…

  • Greedy Apple

    Greedy Apple

    One thing that irks me about Apple (only one thing? everyone cries, well the ones reading my blogs anyways!) is that they like to be portrayed as the victim, the lone tiny company against a world of big blue corporates. Especially when journalists cover news stories about Apple. Well I have news for you –…

  • Zen and the Art of Podcasting

    Zen and the Art of Podcasting

    I keep a sort-of eye on my stats, usually to see if TwoRetardsOneCupRickRollMutantPigF**kersFromMars.com is still linking to me – but sometimes it brings good news – like I’m listed on Creative’s ZENCast (which as someone pointed out is not the same as Zune – too many MP3 players with similar names!) which for all the…

  • Streaming Wars: The Great Switch Off

    Streaming Wars: The Great Switch Off

    Just got this email from Pandora (the online streaming intelligent ‘learning’ radio site) hi, it’s Tim, This is an email I hoped I would never have to send. As you probably know, in July of 2007 we had to block usage of Pandora outside the U.S. because of the lack of a viable license structure…

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