Tag: Homophobia

  • Boycott Sochi

    Boycott Sochi

    You might have heard about the violence against LGBTQ in Russia but I doubt most of you have seen it. In this disturbing video by the HRC you can see what actually happens and hear from the people who have been attacked and ignored. Also I’ve not watched the Dispatches Channel 4 documentary Hunted yet…

  • UKIP Shipping Forecast

    UKIP Shipping Forecast

    Power base decreasing, variable, becoming unelectable, GOOD. (via soundhog) P.S. the last bit especially is a reference not only to The Archers but also this bit of stupidity from a UKIP councillor.

  • Twerkgate redux

    Twerkgate redux

    Or, Yes People Are Still Talking About That Miley Cyrus Performance *Sigh* Had a Facebook argument about the whole Miley affair, yes in some parts this still rages on (!) and having thought about it overnight I’ve realised what’s bugging me about the response to her: 1) Agency. There are lots of white middle class…

  • Dear Straight People

    Dear Straight People

    As we used to say OTM but I guess the modern phrase is so many feels. This video from Denice Frohman from Women of the World Poetry Slam sums it up, homophobia is still there till the day I can kiss John and not think about who is around. I don’t think straight people realise…

  • Freedom to have no religion is not a luxury

    Freedom to have no religion is not a luxury

    There’s a lot of discussion about freedom of religion, what about freedom to have no religion? In many parts of the world that’s punishment by death or torture…I think that gets missed as people bleat about the right to discriminate, or that ‘atheism is a religion’ – well if you (wrongly) believe atheism or humanism…

  • All the Rage

    All the Rage

    A random search of LGBTQ history blogs about Paul Cadmus lead me strangely to this blog post about the AB101 Veto Riots in San Francisco in 1991, and then this documentary about the riot and the Bob Ostertag & Kronos Quartet piece based on it called ‘All the Rage’ – you can download the MP3.…

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