Tag: Err

  • Radio Clash: taught at University!

    Radio Clash: taught at University!

    Bournmouth Media School aka Bournmouth University is apparently playing my mashups on their radio course (MA Radio Production) and mentioning Radio Clash! http://www.menticulture.com/archives/108 That’s really, err, odd. Cassetteboy and me? On a RADIO course?!?! 😀 Is it wise? LOL. Whoever said mashups are like strawberry laces are totally on the money there – yes more…

  • Downtime


    Figuratively as well as literally recently; some noticed that MutantPop.net and Radio Clash just went *pop* since last Thursday and just upped and disappeared – well it was due to a RAID Hardware error at my host, Valuehosts…I’ve had to reupload this and the MutantPop forum and have quite a bit to go still. I…

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