Tag: wikki wikki

  • On ‘real DJing’

    On ‘real DJing’

    The debate about who is a ‘real DJ’ goes on and on…and probably will never stop as new technology comes in, although ironic that a lot of the turntablists have on the sly embraced digital via Serato and Scratch. A friend posted this video from DJ Craze, a response to Daniel Tosh and others who…

  • Victorian Technics

    Victorian Technics

    More wikki wikki wikk-ahh with your Strauss, Sir? No it’s actually isn’t some Victorian wheels of steel for laying down some crinoline skills on the (bees) wax, but the Gaumont Chronophone System of 1910 for continuous playback for films. Still, nice idea thinking of b-boys with bowlers and turntablists with top hats, isn’t it? Or…

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