Tag: Shebang

  • RC 321: Coronanation Pt 2: The Event

    RC 321: Coronanation Pt 2: The Event

    ‘We’re In This Together’ the announcements lie at Poundland as the death/infection stats go up and even the Prime Minister has met his Karmic comeuppance after cutting the NHS and screwing up this whole pandemic affair being in intensive care. He should Corona Coco! I hear even New York are planning to bury the dead…

  • Pre-C #3 – Cults

    Pre-C #3 – Cults

    Not on Spotify, not on a proper label, not having a proper record out, only released one limited edition 7″ EP but Cults seem to have the world at their (chillwave?) feet, and are playing Coachella and are probably on quite a few people’s ‘must see’ lists. Why? Well a little song called ‘Go Outside‘…

  • Pimp my Myspace

    Pimp my Myspace

    I’ve having spent ages redesigning my Radio Clash Myspace page cos of the ancient/weird architecture – really if it wasn’t so crap it’d take no time at all: Really if I go further I’m going to have to comment the whole dang shebang out and put in my own website code (yes you can do…

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