Tag: Russia

  • Radio Moscow Nights and Time Zones

    Radio Moscow Nights and Time Zones

    I know Radio Moscow not so much from my shortwave exploits (although a little, I was a World Wide Catholic Radio kind of girl…so much death, gloom and hypocrisy translated in stilted language, so little time!) but more from Time Zones by Negativland. But a friend posted about Moscow Nights by Vladimir Troshin, which I…

  • Electronica on the go – Anton Maskeliade

    Electronica on the go – Anton Maskeliade

    Got an email from Anton Maskeliade from Russia about his new video for Chabrec (below) shot in an old Zaporozhets car, with live triggered visuals. Not sure why the fencing bit, but love the fact he’s using Leap Motion control, it’s like Theremin for the 10’s (Lev Sergeyevich Termen was also Russian, so it comes…

  • Conchita Wurst

    Conchita Wurst

    Vaguely aware there is this Europevision or Yurovision thing or whatever it’s called tonight…I avoided going out on the gay scene tonight because of it’s grindingly depressing omnipresence (actually I don’t need an excuse to avoid the gay scene, the scene itself is a good enough reason, but Eurovision gives it an extra Brucie Bonus).…

  • A Second A Day

    A Second A Day

    Hard hitting, but as Ukraine (and maybe the world?) seemingly slides into war, it’s worth reminding people what it does to children, and families caught in the conflict – in this case a video by Save The Children about Syria, but I suspect shortly joined by Crimea and other places. And it could be about…

  • Soviet posters get the pride treament

    Soviet posters get the pride treament

    In Soviet Russia, The Pride Parades YOU! Putin yer pipe and smoke it! Love these altered old Soviet posters given the LGBTQ-friendly treatment by Pride Propaganda. (via Have A Gay Day)

  • Pantigate


    Only just found out about Pantigate via the very welcome comment from Archbishop of Ireland that ‘Homophobia insults god’ but I’m horrified at the treatment of Rory O’Neill aka Panti Bliss in Ireland. During a debate over same-sex marriage on RTE he was asked to name examples of homophobia by the host, and the people…

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