Tag: Poetry

  • Wish I Could Wake In September (CoVID-19 Mashup)

    Wish I Could Wake In September (CoVID-19 Mashup)

    Well there’s one good/bad* thing to the current events I have started making mashups again! (*delete as necessary) This is my current response to the coronavirus epidemic aka COVID-19, a complete nightmare and I want to just sleep til September and wish others were here in my isolation. Already had the Pink Floyd ‘Wish You…

  • RIP David Cain

    RIP David Cain

    Sad to hear of the death yesterday of composer David Cain of BBC Radiophonic Workshop fame. Here’s October from his famous ‘The Seasons’ album with poetry from Ronald Duncan which you might have heard via Trunk Records or 6Music – especially Jarvis Cocker’s show who played every month on his show for a year.

  • Queer as in fuck you

    Queer as in fuck you

    In Pride Month I learned the sad story about David Olio, who was forced out of his job for playing, not reading, an Allen Ginsberg poem ‘Please Master’ to 17-18 year old college bound kids. Was this in the 1960’s? 1970’s even? No, earlier this year, in Connecticut. Several things annoy me about this from…

  • Zydeco Legion and Kate Tempest

    Zydeco Legion and Kate Tempest

    Someone (Zydeco Legion?) commented a track called LRAD on the Radio Clash Facebook page, and I like it. Loving what Kate Tempest is doing at the moment, not sure if this is official, I suspect it’s a mashup, but I haven’t heard this rap before. Doesn’t matter as it’s a nice mix, very ambient/concious. The…

  • O Captain! My Captain!

    O Captain! My Captain!

    O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;                          But O heart! heart! heart!                             O the bleeding drops…

  • He is collecting memories, and ghosts

    He is collecting memories, and ghosts

    Ouch. That bit hurt. I never let go of the contact details of the people who are gone either, digital ghosts. Patrick Roche performing “Siri: A Coping Mechanism” at the 2014 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational. The internets seem to be going mad for his other poem/perfomance 21, which is also great but not so…

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