Tag: Homophobic

  • What’s in a name?

    What’s in a name?

    Like many other people I rushed to join Google+, partly because I was finding Facebook a rather restrictive and passive aggressive space – like the insistence of ‘real names’ and forcing you to adopt ‘real-sounding’ names (they have no way of checking apart from keyword searches although will ask you to send ID if they…

  • Pray away the gay tories

    Pray away the gay tories

    Homophobic, xenophobic, Thatcher in sheep’s clothing – vote how you like but those in the UK please don’t vote Tory on the 6th. Why? Well here’s a few reasons close to my heart: Philippa Stroud, Tory PPC for Sutton and Cheam who might well win it, believes you can pray away the gay – literally…

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