Tag: Hoff

  • RC 372: Phantosmia

    RC 372: Phantosmia

    Phantosmia aka phantom smells – is what I have just for Halloween! Is there smoke in here or is that just Bridfe of Dracula arriving? No, it’s just Liz Truss… A spooky dark mix of tunes, when the biggest horror isn’t monsters, phantoms or ghouls but what’s going on in the world….Monstrous mashups, dark ditties,…

  • Radio Clash : Hectic Eclectic party report

    Radio Clash : Hectic Eclectic party report

    Wow that WAS a blast! Quite a few people came, a mix of bears and bootleg people (bearlegs? bootbears? err…) including Kirk, James (along with Kirk one of my oldest friends), Steve Holy13Nation, Scott from NightNurse, Ben Jamin, Holestar, Ian Fondue, Ben Goldrun, Robb Idiotech, loads of people 😀 I played a reasonable set, mostly…

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