Tag: Genderqueer

  • Ezra Furman – Ordinary Life

    Ezra Furman – Ordinary Life

    Really liking Ezra Furman’s Ordinary Life, even though 6Music is playing it like crazy it’s actually a welcome imposition, because as teh kids say, it #GMH. And he’s gender fluid according to Wikipedia. Queer family? Yay! I suspect Jeffrey Lewis might be bemused though, it is a wee bit similar to him. I thought it…



    I love these portraits by Meg Allen from a series called BUTCH, exploring female masculinity and those “who relate to and claim the term BUTCH”. Really wonderful, and challenging the usual notions of gender and beauty since it includes those who are “bull-daggers, dykes, manly women and female husbands”, “baby butches, young studs, gender queers,…

  • The New Separatism: Assimilation, Appropriation and Authenticity

    The New Separatism: Assimilation, Appropriation and Authenticity

    I love this article by Julia Serano ‘Considering Trans and Queer Appropriation’ partly because it ties together many things I’ve been thinking about from very different spheres, as any good article should. Mostly about white hip hop and pop, and the whole Macklemore vs LE1F controversy as well as the probably now forgotten Miley Cyrus…

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