Tag: Estonia

  • John Oliver saves the internet

    John Oliver saves the internet

    Well not exactly…yet. But putting Net Neutrality in terms that everyone can understand (Stopping Cable Fuckery indeed) he’s not only boosted the anti-FCC cause, trolls and commenters have melted the FCC servers. Good work! If you want to pile in on the 4chan style scrum, or care that in the supposed Land of the Free…

  • The Future of Rock and Roll

    The Future of Rock and Roll

    They’re called Winny Puhh (great name) they’re Estonian and come over like a male Pussy Riot on speed. Here they are auditioning for the European Song Contest. I hope they get selected…Remember Lordi? Or Diva International? – everyone associates the ESC with cheesy ballads but something different could actually win it. They’ve got the image…

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