Tag: Artificial intelligence

  • Big Brother is called Alexa & Hey Google Kill

    Big Brother is called Alexa & Hey Google Kill

    Last month the news hit that Google is working with the US Military in creating recognition AI for military drones This made quite a few staff leave unhappy with the idea their technology is aiding killing people (and made a mockery of their ‘Don’t Be Evil’ slogan, but as we know those ethical qualms disappeared…

  • Your New Nightmare: Deep Dreams of Fear and Loathing

    Your New Nightmare: Deep Dreams of Fear and Loathing

    Google’s Deep Dream produces some really trippy images, I meant to post about it a few weeks back when their ‘Inceptionisms’ hit the web. Well it turns out the neural network code is now live, and people have worked out how to feed video through it. Yes, feeding Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which…

  • Upvoting and democracy

    Upvoting and democracy

    As an extension of my recent politics rant, this excellent Ideas Channel video sums up some of the problems I have, not only with like/crowdsourcing but also democracy in question. I mean, ask Sokrates about how the whole ‘going against the grain’ thing worked, and he was a ‘content creator’ and ‘super-user’ and probably ‘redditor’…

  • Cathexis


    And talking of Mr Christ. here’s an amazing and intriguing film called ‘AUJIK – Cathexis’ he worked on with Stefan Larrson (if IMDB is correct the film is credited to QNQ/AUJIK) I’m not really sure what it’s about yet apart from AI especially Artifical General Intelligence (that classic Can Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep thing,…

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