Tag: 70’s

  • RC 367: Indie Space Butterfly

    RC 367: Indie Space Butterfly

    Release your inner Space Butterfly! First we have some good news – Radio Clash is back on iTunes and Spotify – for now….Well a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms on there and to everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!. The Copy Gods of Olympus Were Angry And Threatened a…

  • Quentin and Kenneth

    Quentin and Kenneth

    I’ve been dipping back into the World According to Quentin Smirhes, and it’s a wonderful ride. Love this cover of Ivor Cutler’s ‘Yellow Fly’ and also Quentin’s Dream below is the stuff of 1970’s commercials…only the crumbliest flakiest Quentin, tastes like Quentin Never Tasted Before! Beautifully filmed as well….although in places more Dark and Lonely…

  • Bowie memories

    Bowie memories

    People are sharing their Bowie memories, and I think that’s a good thing to do…seems as others have said odd to mourn for someone you didn’t know, but as Lauren Laverne said, when someone’s music touches your life for so long, so many decades, it’s bound to make you feel something. I won’t then apologise…

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