Tag: Richard D. James Album

  • Coming Out mix Part 1 – Coming Up

    Coming Out mix Part 1 – Coming Up

    Is it asking too much, of my favorite friends,to take these songs for real.Is it asking too much, of my partner’s hands,to take these songs for real? It’s just over 20 years since coming out, so I thought given all the current 90’s nostalgia I’d (re)create a mix of music that I was listening to…

  • A must for AFX fans

    A must for AFX fans

    The snappily titled user48736353001 is posting some gems over at Soundcloud – 150 at the latest count, and is a certain Richard D. James. Here is a live version of Heliosphan which is amazing and definitely for the fans of his Selected Ambient Works, and I see he’s just posted a ‘slo’ version of Red…

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