Tag: queer rights

  • It aint no ‘lifestyle’

    It aint no ‘lifestyle’

    ‘Lifestyle’ I don’t think everyone gets how offensive that word can be. Choosing to drink in the morning and wear Crocs is a lifestyle. Choosing to eat at Nandos only and always wearing a KFC tshirt when you do, is a lifestyle. Reading comics and watching sci-fi is a lifestyle. Being a homophobe and/or going…

  • It costs me £38,000 for being queer

    It costs me £38,000 for being queer

    It’s well known that if you’re a woman, not white, queer/LGBTQ that you have to work harder and longer than cis white straight men. This glass ceiling is there, I’ve seen it in corporates, usually hedged in bullshit like ‘corporate fit’ or the like, and it’s well acknowledged that privilege and entitlement means a less…

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