Tag: Mass media

  • New promo

    New promo

    You might have heard this on the qpodder Queercast – proud to be included over there (thanks Madge!) but happy for anyone else to play it on their show… It’s 750K and 30 Seconds and WARNING! includes bad singing and 70’s gameshow references.

  • Radio goes digital?

    Radio goes digital?

    I was reading Wired News (not something I do regularly, no) and this popped up: “Radio knows that it needs to make that jump to the digital universe,” said Tom Taylor, editor of the daily newsletter Inside Radio, which is published by a division of Clear Channel Communications. Isn’t it a bit late for radio?…

  • Is this the Podshow people are talking about?

    Is this the Podshow people are talking about?

    http://www.podshows.com hahaha. Should’ve trademarked, Adam. 😀 UPDATE: Just done a little poking around and found this: Wes Butters and Daryl Denham are the men behind the revolutionary concept of Podshows. As you know, they’re both national radio presenters and after hearing about the take-off of pod-casting in the States they devised a plan to essentially…

  • Emperor’s New Pod: Whole Wheat stops the Rants…

    Emperor’s New Pod: Whole Wheat stops the Rants…

    I’m totally like 2 weeks late on this one, but I was catching up on my WholeWheat audio magazines and found out they are calling time on the daily rants/muffins/whatever. I can totally understand the decision (I have wondered in the past about the contradiction of a regimented radio schedule vs. JimBob’s talk of why…

  • The Revolution will be free?

    The Revolution will be free?

    I talked about Podshow and money in podcasting in the last 2 podcasts, but forgot to mention 2 things you’ll probably be aware about (although I hinted at in my ‘Revolution will not be monetized’ speech) – podcasting being broadcast on old-style media platforms. What’s that you say? That’s not podcasting that’s broadcasting leeching off…

  • BBC Podcasting article…

    BBC Podcasting article…

    You might have seen this elsewhere but just stumbled onto this at the BBC website: For once in my life I actually agree with Dave Winer =:-0. I also don’t think people will make money off podcasting, although many will try. Strangely although I’ve been sceptical about Dave Winer in the past I’m moving towards…

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