Tag: Huey Lewis

  • RC 372: Phantosmia

    RC 372: Phantosmia

    Phantosmia aka phantom smells – is what I have just for Halloween! Is there smoke in here or is that just Bridfe of Dracula arriving? No, it’s just Liz Truss… A spooky dark mix of tunes, when the biggest horror isn’t monsters, phantoms or ghouls but what’s going on in the world….Monstrous mashups, dark ditties,…

  • Tango Piano On and On Common People…

    Tango Piano On and On Common People…

    I love following threads, usually Wikipedia but sometimes YouTube, and quite often connections that only exist in my brain. Take this Oscar winning animation, one of my favourites ever from Zbigniew Rybczy?ski which: “Thirty-six characters from different stages of life – representations of different times – interact in one room, moving in loops, observed by…

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