Tag: Email spam

  • Spotify no more

    Spotify no more

    Radio Clash has been taken off Spotify for copyright Infringement! Thanks to listener Nick for letting me know, the terse email from Spotify went into my Spam folder. I suspect this is more RIAA/Universal nastiness…I’ve asked Spotify to clarify.

  • Priceless – spammer posts dataset

    Priceless – spammer posts dataset

    In what has to be a classic act, a spammer on one of my sites has accidentally posted most if not all of the dataset in creating their spams. In one sense it makes a strange kind of poetry, a choose-your-own fiction for the 21st century. You can see the logic in how they slightly…

  • New spam plugin

    New spam plugin

    Although I love my former spam plugin it’s not supported anymore and the trackback spams are getting far worse, as well as the ones slipping through (not false positives, are they true negatives?) so with a heavy heart I’ve switched to another. seems to work well BUT there is always teething troubles –  if your…

  • spam spam spam spam

    spam spam spam spam

    4 1/2 months. nearly 14,000 pieces of comment spam. If my bad scribbled on the back of a envelope with a blunt crayola workings are right, that’s and average 13 pieces of spam a minute. Now that’s scary.

  • Spam? Straight to Hell, boys…

    Spam? Straight to Hell, boys…

    Getting a lot of comment spam here – from a nasty bot from a certain online casino. 🙁 Hopefully solved it via a cool plugin called Spam Karma – seems to be catching the buggers and sending them to hell – yes it describes automatic deleted spams as being sent to hell. A plugin after…

  • Whoring again…

    Whoring again…

    Yes it’s an unashamed pluggette – but voting at PodcastAlley.com is back up – despite a few glitches it seems to be working, and you can vote every 24 hours, just need a valid email address But what do I see here? shock! horror! I’m about to drop off the top 50 shows =:-0…oh noooo….;-)…

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