Tag: discrimination

  • Freedom to have no religion is not a luxury

    Freedom to have no religion is not a luxury

    There’s a lot of discussion about freedom of religion, what about freedom to have no religion? In many parts of the world that’s punishment by death or torture…I think that gets missed as people bleat about the right to discriminate, or that ‘atheism is a religion’ – well if you (wrongly) believe atheism or humanism…

  • My Little Kony

    My Little Kony

    Love this video from Invisible Children, it spells out what I’ve been saying for ages is the new politic of online connection – which shines light on the strange apathy of looking the other way. Although I have a few minor reservations about this sort of high profile ‘RED’ style campaigning (transparency and cost of…

  • Mozgate: NME vs Moz part II

    Mozgate: NME vs Moz part II

    You might have heard about the fracas here, I wasn’t going to comment until I’d read the article but I found scans here (and Tim Jonze’s response is interesting if you contrast it from what he apparently told the manager). I remember Mozgate part 1 back in 1992 (?), and felt that the NME was…

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