Tag: copyright

  • Horace goes IP Trolling

    Horace goes IP Trolling

    Octav1us, game reviewer and lover of 1980’s games has been attacked by a copyright troll – Paul Andrews of Subvert. (I do name and shame even if she’s understandably too scared and worried to do it – so bite me. She used Horace from the ZX Spectrum games, but the guy who was one of…

  • New Promos

    New Promos

    Promo whoring! I’ve recorded a few new promos – so if you have a podcast, radio or TV station, pirate satellite, shortwave numbers station, morse code repeater, kinetograph, spare zoetrope or magic lantern show, please give me a plug! And it’s all my own music and copyright, so no legal issues there – don’t want…

  • Working Down On Mashup Farm: Microserfs and the New Economy

    Working Down On Mashup Farm: Microserfs and the New Economy

    Something is very much not right in the state of Denmark – well if Denmark was the state of mashups. Recent events have suggested that certain platforms will now welcome mashups, unofficial remixes, unlicensed DJ mixes, podcasts of commercial music and the like. Apple made waves two weeks ago with such an idea of licensing…

  • Make YouTube Great Again

    Make YouTube Great Again

    Great explanation of Copyright and Fair use by Matthias, in a campaign stared by GradeAUnderA called #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain…given my background of musical mashup piracy and unofficial remix I must be against this creator copyright business, right? Wrong. I’ve been affected on YouTube by baseless claims, DMCAs from companies that don’t even OWN the things they’re claiming,…

  • How to Streisand Yourself

    How to Streisand Yourself

    If you’re the Fine Bros, well you make a strangely NOTCORPORAREREALLYIMNOTCORPORATE ITSGOODFORTHECOMMUNITY PAYMEPAYMEHONESTIOWNYOU video about licensing something that people have done since, well YouTube started – namely reaction videos. 283,000+ dislikes and counting, isn’t that some kind of record in like, 3 days? Well so what? The parodies like these will come out, we’ll laugh…

  • Google fights for fair use

    Google fights for fair use

    Google are offering to legally fight DMCA on fair use grounds on a few selected videos? This could be big…especially if they get case law and win. Remember this if your video mashups or remixes are taken down – you’re all definitely in the fair use category. As they said: We’re doing this because we…

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