Tag: Chord progression

  • Interesting Chords: The Girl From Ipanema

    Interesting Chords: The Girl From Ipanema

    My dad – who was a jazz guitarist in his spare time – has a phrase ‘interesting chords’, like ‘some of those chords are interesting‘ i.e. unusual. He also has a love of Bossa Nova, and introduced me to the phrase ‘plink plink/cling cling jazz’ – I suspect he must’ve heard the Stan Freberg spoof…

  • 4 Chords

    4 Chords

    aka Welcome to My Head. This is what I hear when I hear a new song, difference is 1) tends to be a few songs unless you have more than two mashup people there then we come up with 100s and sing them annoyingly over the song and 2) we can’t sing for shit. Brilliant…

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