Month: September 2020

  • Lone Swordsman

    Lone Swordsman

    This is Daniel Avery’s musical tribute to the much-missed Andrew Weatherall who died in February. Lovely tune and amazing video by Greg Hodgson, and the blurb says: “proceeds from this record via Bandcamp will be donated to Amnesty International for four weeks in his memory”, a great cause. (via Ian Fondue of the Lloydbrary.)

  • Power, Corruption and Interviews

    Power, Corruption and Interviews

    New Order are posting interviews about their classic ’83 album Power, Corruption and Lies, and the latest is about the gear they used and pushing buttons. And the first video was about the history of the album: This follows similar interviews about their sadly overlooked first album, Movement, when that re-release came out last year.…

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