Tag: Windows 7

  • Radio Clash downtime – Apple fails

    Radio Clash downtime – Apple fails

    Some of you might know we had a death in the family – well if you consider computers family which I sort of do – my Apple Macbook Pro 2015 died, so there’s been some downtime on the podcast, blogs and etc. All my projects for this week posting my artwork and podcasts have been…

  • Songsmith ‘mashups’

    Songsmith ‘mashups’

    Some of you might know about this ‘incredible’ piece of software from Microsoft called Songsmith and this eye/ear-blistering terrible video: Well inspired by the Van Halen and Gay Bar songsmith ‘interpretations’ that are doing the rounds, DJ NoNo, that pesky evil DJ decided to take matters in hand and do some himself… DebaserSalsa – (Pixies…

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