Tag: Upper middle class

  • We All Play Synth + RC Discord

    We All Play Synth + RC Discord

    Lee Spoons posted this excellent pistake of 00’s-20’s hipsters over at the Radio Clash Discord. (Yes we have a disco-rd now, Come talk disco, suggestions, feedback, silly memes, music geekage, inside info behind the Radio Clash Emerald Curtain…). Vegan crunk night! A mix of religious iconongraphy with a Saved By The Bell vibe! Anyway on…

  • Cassetteboy vs the Vloggers

    Cassetteboy vs the Vloggers

    Very funny, and ripe for pisstaking is vlogging – even the word is silly. Done well it’s great (step up TDYLN, Wheezy Waiter) but it does seem to attract a certain type of humble-bragging trustafarian white young upper middle class attention-seeking type, along with those who still claim to be a ‘Social Media Expert’ and…

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