Tag: United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union

  • Mogg’s Message for The Common People

    Mogg’s Message for The Common People

    From The Joe website and via Peter Daniels, here’s the Victorian Haunted Pencil Jacob Rees-Mogg and his rendition of Pulp’s Common People. CANNOT UNSEE. Very funny though.

  • Feelings > Facts

    Feelings > Facts

    John Oliver on form again, I do think Trump will win it unless Hillary gets her shit together, which given her VP choice and complete Dynastic arrogance, very unlikely. Negative ‘Not That Guy’ campaigns never usually win, neither does lecturing your own party members about protest votes and ignoring DNC rigging…politically that kind of campaign…

  • Why Corbyn?

    Why Corbyn?

    I love A Up Let’s Talk, seen a few of his videos and he really gets WHY Corbyn is important, and this video describes it well…he marches with us, he’s tirelessly there for us, the people. Don’t see even the Blairites caring do we, they’re too busy with their dinner parties and posh events? Too…

  • Leave lies analysed

    Leave lies analysed

    Yes I know Gove said worryingly that people have had enough of experts (obviously just stabbing others in the back is somehow better?) but here Professor Michael Dougan, leading EU lawyer goes through the Leave campaign lies and reveals that deception happened on an ‘industrial scale’. Some are saying ‘why bother raking this up?’ even…

  • Ready Brexit

    Ready Brexit

    Ahh…the xenophobic nostalgia! And yes although I’m off to Glasto I have my postal vote ready, and will be voting to remain (Bremain? BStay? Bin?) because I don’t want to be stuck with just the Tories on this damp little isle, bringing back the Victorian Workhouse as shoddy as the EU can be sometimes. (via…

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