Tag: UK Independence Party

  • Paul Nuttall and alt-right ‘patriots’

    Paul Nuttall and alt-right ‘patriots’

    Paul Nutall? Of the UKIPS? Well let Stewart Lee say it best (NSFW). And I think the best response to the ‘alt-right’ (sorry, like New Labour you can’t rebrand Nazis – yes not all ‘alt-right’ people are fascists but some are) and the far-right is Maajid Nawaz’s response on LBC – you aren’t patriots. You…

  • Feelings > Facts

    Feelings > Facts

    John Oliver on form again, I do think Trump will win it unless Hillary gets her shit together, which given her VP choice and complete Dynastic arrogance, very unlikely. Negative ‘Not That Guy’ campaigns never usually win, neither does lecturing your own party members about protest votes and ignoring DNC rigging…politically that kind of campaign…

  • Leave lies analysed

    Leave lies analysed

    Yes I know Gove said worryingly that people have had enough of experts (obviously just stabbing others in the back is somehow better?) but here Professor Michael Dougan, leading EU lawyer goes through the Leave campaign lies and reveals that deception happened on an ‘industrial scale’. Some are saying ‘why bother raking this up?’ even…

  • Caitlyn Jenner wins Arthur Ashe Award

    Caitlyn Jenner wins Arthur Ashe Award

    Finally got around to watching Caitlyn Jenner and her Arthur Ashe Award speech (not for me the 15 second news churn, I take my time!). It’s amazing stuff. Don’t get the hate from certain people, yes I don’t like her Republican or reality show affiliations either, but it’s interesting how she’s used her platform to…

  • Don’t vote for Tory or UKIP lies

    Don’t vote for Tory or UKIP lies

    There’s an election coming up on Thursday in the UK, and it’s disturbing how short people’s memories are. Scare stories about SNP-Labour coalitions when I seem to remember both the Lib-Dems and Tories denied they would go into a coalition in the run-up to the last election (Pro-Tip: no-one ever agrees to a coalition before…

  • May The 7th Be With You

    May The 7th Be With You

    Love this image from A Large Evil Corporation with the UK election leaders as Star Wars figures – mashing up two current topics at once! I approve of Darth Vaderon, the innefectual Clegg3PO, Ed Milliwalker, Nicole Yoda (greenest of all the Star Wars characters, literally and ideologically) and the slimy UKIP Greedo Farage.

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