Tag: UK elections

  • Strong and unstable

    Strong and unstable

    I wish this was pure comedy but it’s not, it’s true…and people keep voting these fuckers in. I guess France is a relief, although I think Jean-Luc Mélenchon was the better candidate along with Poutou. But here we seem to be stuck with May Day, repeating ‘strong and stable’ until it sticks while hiding from…

  • May The 7th Be With You

    May The 7th Be With You

    Love this image from A Large Evil Corporation with the UK election leaders as Star Wars figures – mashing up two current topics at once! I approve of Darth Vaderon, the innefectual Clegg3PO, Ed Milliwalker, Nicole Yoda (greenest of all the Star Wars characters, literally and ideologically) and the slimy UKIP Greedo Farage.

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