Tag: School

  • Design Under Late Capitalism Destroys Safety and Usability

    Design Under Late Capitalism Destroys Safety and Usability

    Been thinking a lot about design and engineering – I come from a design background (initially more product and design realisation/design technology at school, then moved into graphic design later as it used my art skills more). My dad was an engineer also, so was brought up tinkering with things. The Titan sub is a…

  • Old enough to fire a gun

    Old enough to fire a gun

    It’s alright to feel like a fat child in a pushchair Old enough to run Old enough to fire a gun With the spate of school and children shootings, Everything Everything’s critical view of modern life and alienation gains a new perspective, with children as young as 3, 5 or 11 killing their siblings in…

  • Zeppelin Kids

    Zeppelin Kids

    I’ve gone on record to say I’m not a big fan of Led Zeppelin, but I love this amazing medley of Kashmir, The Ocean, and Immigrant Song of kids 7-12 playing on percussion instruments. Sounds ace, and not your usual ‘school’ or student production. Very professional. (via Andrea Hamilton)

  • Singing Together

    Singing Together

    Schools musical programs are amazing, and one of the longest running in the UK was ‘Singing Together’ on BBC Radio, where kids sang along with songs live across the country. Jarvis Cocker presents this fascinating elegy for the live music show that taught children songs but without National Curriculum nor testing, just a joy of…

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