Tag: Rachel K Collier

  • RC 292: Halloween Queen

    RC 292: Halloween Queen

    Halloween puts the willies up me, with things going bump in the dark and all that woo. Here’s a dark yet upbeat selection for the Twerking Witching Hour: from monstrous mashups to spooky soundracks, evil electronica to ghoulish grime, Amy Ghost House, The Punkergeist and the zeitgeist horror of now*. Oh and the theme from…

  • RC 286: Gardeners Of The Galaxy

    RC 286: Gardeners Of The Galaxy

    Uphill Gardeners of the Galaxy Unite! It’s Pride month and we’re going to get out the Walkman (or Zune) and get down to some Sounds of The Seventies, drum and bass, indie, disco,, electro pop, new wave, psych rock, AOR, electronica, 60’s pop, metal, neo-classical and some crazy covers. Probably naked in the garden, that’ll…

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