Tag: Punjabi culture

  • Tunak Tunak Tun Metal

    Tunak Tunak Tun Metal

    The original I played on the podcast nearly 10 years ago (RC #166, omg) but this metal cover by Bloodywood featuring Bonde do Metaleiro from Brazil is the kind of fusion I can get behind. Completely bonkers and love how they take the piss out of the original video. (via Thriftshop XL) And you need…

  • Bhangra Bootay

    Bhangra Bootay

    As you might have guessed I tend to avoid hype and spam, I prefer to discover the new on my own rather than follow the crowd – the John Peel approach of avoiding what the industry or received opinion says and making up your own mind. Sadly that means that sometimes you miss stuff, as…

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