Tag: Pilot

  • Big Brother is called Alexa & Hey Google Kill

    Big Brother is called Alexa & Hey Google Kill

    Last month the news hit that Google is working with the US Military in creating recognition AI for military drones This made quite a few staff leave unhappy with the idea their technology is aiding killing people (and made a mockery of their ‘Don’t Be Evil’ slogan, but as we know those ethical qualms disappeared…

  • Mashed in Plastic

    Mashed in Plastic

    Been meaning to check out the David Lynch themed Mashup album for ages; the site looks amazing, but check out this video, it’s astounding: https://vimeo.com/5248494 and Kylie stars in Twin Peaks…spooky how that fits: https://vimeo.com/4677732 And Tori is deranged, and probably lost on the highway. https://vimeo.com/5238679 And even Michael and Leona would fire walk for…

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