Tag: photography

  • History of Recording

    History of Recording

    Nice short (if a little shallow) video about the history of recording ourselves. Scary that it’s heading for 88.4 Exabytes per month – something near to 1 Trillion pictures taken a year, and the fact that every two minutes, people take as many pictures as taken throughout the 19th century. And about 10% of the…

  • Say no to spec work

    Say no to spec work

    I’m always amazed how in the digital media, photography and advertising world it’s still OK to ask for work on spec (i.e. for free) ‘for exposure’ where as this video demonstrates other industries would ask you to sling your hook. The pay less in future for a longer contract is also depressingly common, and again…the…

  • Why losing the battle to rip CDs is bad

    Why losing the battle to rip CDs is bad

    Just heard the news that the recently gained right in the UK for people to rip CDs for personal use (which most people thought was legal anyway) has been overturned. Although I doubt this will stop anyone from doing it, it’s bad for several reasons – the first being that “they suggested that a tax…

  • From pig pens to 2001 – slit scan photography

    From pig pens to 2001 – slit scan photography

    Via the currently very popular Skydive to Pig pen video I was intrigued by the trippy effects as it span down to earth where you get two landscapes at once. Turns out, if the frame rate with the spin rate syncs, however accidentally you get some really odd effects. You can see it in this…

  • There Will Be Numbers

    There Will Be Numbers

    Love the golden mean, thirds and Phi and all the maths behind it – what I understand anyway – and this is a look on how they inform a film like ‘There Will Be Blood’. I’ve not seen the film, but could watch hours of this…although I think some of the spirals are a little…

  • London Grammar

    London Grammar

    Strange how it took someone in New York to identify the song that’s been haunting me on the radio (woke up today and this was playing, was going to check out what it was…Mike saved me the search!) but London Grammar – Wasting My Young Years is beautiful – love the Eadweard Muybridge-style video too…

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