Tag: Paranormal

  • RC 292: Halloween Queen

    RC 292: Halloween Queen

    Halloween puts the willies up me, with things going bump in the dark and all that woo. Here’s a dark yet upbeat selection for the Twerking Witching Hour: from monstrous mashups to spooky soundracks, evil electronica to ghoulish grime, Amy Ghost House, The Punkergeist and the zeitgeist horror of now*. Oh and the theme from…

  • Pounded by the Biker Rainbow

    Pounded by the Biker Rainbow

    From Kindle Cover Disasters, this ‘Firsy Time Gay Paranormal M/M Taboo’ porn raises SO many questions, at the very least how does a rainbow ride a bike or hold the handlebars, let alone wear shades or do other things…Douglas Adams had hyperintelligent shades of the colour blue as an alien lifeform, so maybe rainbows? Err…

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