Tag: paintings

  • AI, IP and artists

    AI, IP and artists

    Here’s a fascinating video about the future and current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – I am still waiting for my DALL-E 2 invite, but have used Disco Diffusion and mini DALL-E 2 (the images for the latest podcast cover came from that) – and the challenges to artists, and intellectual property issues. Even down…

  • To BP or Not BP

    To BP or Not BP

    On Sunday I was on the People’s Climate March with Queer Bloc (pictures here) and earlier that day British Museum was targeted by activists from ‘BP or not BP’, the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (DANCE), and the London Quakers for a performance called ‘Gross Negligence’. (from John Hoggett) I’d heard of some of…

  • More face things…

    More face things…

    Someone though who did do a great job of making my fizzog look more than passable is Mark Who Boy, who like it seems the rest of the Who Boys has given up music and started painting – art is the new rock n’ roll donchaknow!…so of course I had to go sit for Mr…

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