Tag: Joanna Brouk

  • RC 295: Balls To Xmas

    RC 295: Balls To Xmas

    Light up your balls, erect your tree, turn on your lights, drink loads and eat like a horse and do that thing where you pretend to be a stripper with the tinsel (I’ve seen you), it’s Xmess! Xmas (or the holidays or whatever you celebrate, Christmas is just a placeholder here) comes earlier every year…

  • RC 292: Halloween Queen

    RC 292: Halloween Queen

    Halloween puts the willies up me, with things going bump in the dark and all that woo. Here’s a dark yet upbeat selection for the Twerking Witching Hour: from monstrous mashups to spooky soundracks, evil electronica to ghoulish grime, Amy Ghost House, The Punkergeist and the zeitgeist horror of now*. Oh and the theme from…

  • RC 278: Snow Pucker Lips aka Snow Business

    RC 278: Snow Pucker Lips aka Snow Business

    If spring can take the snow awayCan it melt away all of our mistakesMemories made in the coldest winter… As is completely predictable and traditional, I do an episode about snow and it’s mostly all gone in my part of London by the time I upload it. This is for those affected by Snowmageddon-it-can-stop-now, I…

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