Tag: GoPro

  • Real GTA V

    Real GTA V

    Amazing video from Corridor Digital recreating the world of Grand Theft Auto in Los Angeles – on which Los Santos is based. (via Andrew Johns) Even more amazingly this was all done guerrilla style with GoPro cameras, gimbals, skateboards and booms, even IO Hawk which seem to be like Segway footwear! Check out the Making…

  • From pig pens to 2001 – slit scan photography

    From pig pens to 2001 – slit scan photography

    Via the currently very popular Skydive to Pig pen video I was intrigued by the trippy effects as it span down to earth where you get two landscapes at once. Turns out, if the frame rate with the spin rate syncs, however accidentally you get some really odd effects. You can see it in this…

  • Breaking the speed of sound

    Breaking the speed of sound

    If you liked the film Gravity you’ll love this, and it’s for real – the new multicam version of Felix Baumgartner’s descent, where he became the first person to break the sound barrier. Well better than trying to break a Greek truck driver’s nose, I guess… The part where he was in a spin and…

  • Cassetteboy vs the Vloggers

    Cassetteboy vs the Vloggers

    Very funny, and ripe for pisstaking is vlogging – even the word is silly. Done well it’s great (step up TDYLN, Wheezy Waiter) but it does seem to attract a certain type of humble-bragging trustafarian white young upper middle class attention-seeking type, along with those who still claim to be a ‘Social Media Expert’ and…

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