Tag: Filmmaking

  • The Story of Techno Viking

    The Story of Techno Viking

    I found Matthias Frisch’s documentary about the whole Techno Viking case via another video “The Meme that Sued It’s Creator’ which pretty much sums it up in one line. Matthias Frisch filmed the man who became Technoviking at Fuck Parade in Berlin in 2000, but it later became a meme and out of control of…

  • Adventure – not predicament

    Adventure – not predicament

    Nice to see that Big Joy has gained it’s Kickstarter target – it’s a documentary about James Broughton, a name I knew and only clicked where from in his wikipedia entry that Stan Brakhage was a friend who filmed his wedding…probably that. I must say the trailer had quite a few instances of me going…

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