Tag: Fear mongering

  • Cassetteboy vs Jeremy Hunt

    Cassetteboy vs Jeremy Hunt

    Love this – and as I’ve said on my Twitter and FB – I support the Junior Doctors and hate this scaremongering about ‘deaths’ – you’ll receive FAR better care today than you would on a normal day when the over-worked junior doctors are pulling long shifts without cover from consultants and GPs. That’s why…

  • Don’t vote for Tory or UKIP lies

    Don’t vote for Tory or UKIP lies

    There’s an election coming up on Thursday in the UK, and it’s disturbing how short people’s memories are. Scare stories about SNP-Labour coalitions when I seem to remember both the Lib-Dems and Tories denied they would go into a coalition in the run-up to the last election (Pro-Tip: no-one ever agrees to a coalition before…

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