Tag: Donald Trump

  • RC 372: Phantosmia

    RC 372: Phantosmia

    Phantosmia aka phantom smells – is what I have just for Halloween! Is there smoke in here or is that just Bridfe of Dracula arriving? No, it’s just Liz Truss… A spooky dark mix of tunes, when the biggest horror isn’t monsters, phantoms or ghouls but what’s going on in the world….Monstrous mashups, dark ditties,…

  • Iron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall

    Iron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall

    Trust Iron Maiden to be there during the End Times – the collapse of empires, Brexit, Trump, COVID and the implosion of late-state capitalism. And then make an amazing Good Omens vs Mad Max vs Lord of the Rings meets the Bible animated video for it…with samurai Eddies and the four horsemen and the Eden…

  • Trump’s Last Day

    Trump’s Last Day

    ‘I think that’s the longest sustained insult I’ve ever heard’ says one comment, and they are not wrong. Jonathan Pie says ‘Bye Felicia’ to Trump in the best way possible. The sad thing is although utterly eviscerating the Loser-in-Chief, all he says is based in facts. That should be the most shocking thing, but it…

  • Why Are So Many Gay Bears Republican?

    Why Are So Many Gay Bears Republican?

    I am thinking that myself, what with over a quarter of LGBTQ voting for Donald Trump, but that headline quote comes from ‘Before I Ask’ starring The Weatherman, Alexa and Siri. The single comes with a set of Alexa skills by Kevin Blechdom that mean you can say ‘Play Negativland’ – what, Alexa you don’t…

  • Public Enemy – State of the Union

    Public Enemy – State of the Union

    Back when the Public Enemy #1 wasn’t the President of the United States, it was rap group, and like RTJ 4, they are very welcome in this hour of music and chaos. Short and sweet is this message for 45 and his followers, and a request to rock the vote and get him out…he’ll be…

  • RC 292: Halloween Queen

    RC 292: Halloween Queen

    Halloween puts the willies up me, with things going bump in the dark and all that woo. Here’s a dark yet upbeat selection for the Twerking Witching Hour: from monstrous mashups to spooky soundracks, evil electronica to ghoulish grime, Amy Ghost House, The Punkergeist and the zeitgeist horror of now*. Oh and the theme from…

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