Tag: DJ Zinc

  • RC 282: Ladies First

    RC 282: Ladies First

    This is a response to the frankly whack Guardian listicle about the greatest female rappers that James (hi!) sent to me and Kirk. 4/10 – that’s not only my ‘see me after class’ score, it’s also the paltry amount I agree with. Ladies first, well last in this case. It reads like some bored intern…

  • The Squire of Alsatia

    The Squire of Alsatia

    A new uptempo mix from me, like the previous mix, Tabula Rasa which was an existential psych mix without many psych tunes, it’s far from just some tunes thrown together, there are layers and multiple themes. It’s deep, yes this mix has a sort of manifesto, a journey which spans from xylophone jazz to electro…

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