Tag: Bluetooth

  • The Guerrilla Guide To Podcasting Part Four

    The Guerrilla Guide To Podcasting Part Four

    The fourth part in a series on making your own podcast that won’t break the bank, concentrating on DIY and low-cost podcasting. Read part one, part two and part three first. Plug in babies If your mic is USB – and I really recommend that for first timers – you can skip to the next…

  • Everything must go

    Everything must go

    I’m having a massive sale of my unused gear over at eBay including a lot of my podcasting gear – Marvin is being sold, my Korg PXR4 mobile podcasting rig that I used to podcast from a field in Canada, a bathroom in Spain and rainy Scotland! my Mackie mixer, my Audio Technica ATR2020 condenser…

  • Sight


    A creepy dystopian look at our future by Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo. Might seem far-fetched but with the likes of Google Glass in our near future, and the even more bizarre Mechanical Turk ‘wingmen’ it’s closer than you think, and hell of a lot more spookier than the frankly cutesy Bluetooth headsets of RTD…

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